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Welcome to the Science Department website

Welcome to the Science Department. This website is here to provide curriculum information to anybody who is studying sciences. Originally setup to support students who were learning from home during the two lock-downs caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the website has grown over time and is continuing to do so. As I learn new skills in coding, the website will mirror this. I am currently working on a database to allow sudents to check their learning with lots of multiple-choice questions that will help you to identify areas of weakness and better target your revision. Enjoy, I truly hope that this helps.

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16th July 2024

Year 9: Alloys and Polymers.
We all need to know what an alloy is, why the properties of alloys are different from the elements that they are made from and what in their structure makes them different. Read through this page from BBC bitesize then make a very brief summary. Read through the different alloys below:
Examples of alloys
Wedding ring alloys
Alloys in coins
When you have been through all of the above, you will be ready to complete a Seneca task. Follow this link, the assignment is called "Last chemistry of year 9!".

16th July 2024

Year 10: The Haber Process
To begin with, refresh yourselves on the work that we completed last lesson on reversible reactions. When you have completed this, you are going to research Fritz Haber and the Haber Process.
Create and save a simple fact file about the work of Fritz Haber. There is a fantastic book in my classroom called "Between Genius and Genocide", with this title in mind, make sure that you include the following in your research about my absolute favourite chemist:
What is the Haber process and how does it work?
What are the negative effects of his work? Look at this link for his biography.
Make sure that you think about the question, "what would life today be like without his work?"

1st July 2024

This week we are thrilled to welcome students who will join us in September. During the transition, every student will have a sample science lesson. In the lesson, we will create a hypothesis, test it in a practical investigation then analyse the data that we collect. After we have seen the evidence, we will be able to review out hypothesis and decide if the evidence supports it.

17th June 2024

Now that the GCSE examinations for science have finished, it is time for years 9 and 10 to move into the spotlight and show how much they have learned this year.
Monday 24th June, Year 10 have their Biology exam.
Wednesday 26th June, Year 9 have their single exam that has Biology, Chemistry and Physics within (20 minutes of each).
Thursday 27th June, Year 10 have their Chemistry exam.
Thursday 4th July, Year 10 have their Physics exam.
Follow the links for more details of what is on each exam. Year 9 and Year 10.

13th May 2024

This week, all of year 10 are completing the required practical in which you will measure the energy change in a reaction. Begin by completing the assignement on Seneca then revise how you can work out the energy transferred to water byt using its specific heat capacity.

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This page was updated on: 31st December 2023