Land-Based: Synoptic Assignment Preparation

What we are learning: (component knowledge)

Synoptic assignment:
The point at which we start this section depends upon the successful completion of the 3 content areas listed (Land use, Science & Technology).

After the November mock exams, we will complete a previous Synoptic Assignment together and I will then mark them to the standards set out by our awarding body. From this, you can plan improvements to your methods etc.
No Later than the end of February, you will complete the "unseen" assignment set by the awarding body in examination conditions.
Your work, along with my record sheets will be uploaded to the awarding body for moderation.

Planned research:

Part 1: Risk assessment:

Part 2: Soil testing & analysis:

Part 3: Written report:

Part 4a: Feeding animals:

Part 4b: Handling animals:

Part 4c: Animal Health check:

This page was updated on: 13th August 2024